Let's Get Wrecked in Guatemala Together (Invitation to a Vision Trip)
Since Wrecked came out, I've been looking for ways to give people next steps to take. This is the type of book that doesn't really work as a comfortable weekend read that leaves you unchanged. In order for it to do its work, there needs to be something mo
Since Wrecked came out, I've been looking to give people a "next step" to take. This is the type of book that demands action from its readers. It doesn't work as a comfortable weekend read; it needs something more. And I think we've found it.

A unique opportunity just for you
For the past few months, I've been talking with folks at Adventures in Missions about how we could offer a way for my readers to get wrecked. We've been brainstorming options for people to step out and serve. And I think we've come up with a pretty cool opportunity: In February, I'll be co-leading a vision trip to Guatemala, and you're invited to join me. We'll be serving people living in poverty and getting our hearts wrecked in the process. For five days, we'll be learning what it means to get wrecked and finding ways to step out of our comfort zones together. This is a chance to put into practice all this generosity stuff we talk about, not to mention a way to connect with others who care about making a difference in the world (including me).
Disclaimer and details
For those who don't know, I work for a Christian nonprofit organization — that's my day job. If prayer and Bible reading aren't your thing, then this trip may not be right for you. (I don't want anyone to feel excluded, but at the same time, I don't want anyone feeling uncomfortable.) Here are some more details:
When: Feb. 2–6, 2013
Cost: $855 (includes airfare from Miami International Airport)
Includes: Lodging, food, and in-country transportation; we will take care of all the details and logistics once you arrive
Lodging: Normal room with shared bathroom and multiple beds
That said, not everyone can hop a plane to Central America for a week, and I totally understand that. So if you have a desire to be involved (and won't be able to make it), let's find a way to do that. This whole community is invited to participate in this trip. Soon, I'll be sharing more about what that looks like, but in the meantime I'd love to hear any ideas you have.
Act now before it's too late
There are only 25 spots available (and they're filling up fast!), so if you're thinking of applying for the trip, don't wait. This is going to be a really special group, and I'm looking forward meeting all of you in person. If the trip goes well, we'll probably do more of this sort of thing in the future.
To find out more about the Wrecked Vision Trip (including more on what we'll be doing and how you can apply), click here. Use the code WRECKED to waive the app fee. See you in Guatemala!
What might a trip like this teach you? Share in the comments.