I guess we've become the Ghosts in our lives.

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This hit me right in the heart as I contemplate a job change - moving from the toxicity that I know to a position of growth, challenge and that uses my gifts... I asked Universe for a sign - you delivered that to me... and I am very grateful 🙏🏻 into the new, unfamiliar adventure...

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Who we really are sometimes becomes a surprise to ourselves, often after a life challenge, tragedy, or unexpected turn of events. We either discover we were more than we realized, or maybe short of our expectations. But it’s never too late to grow, and settle into our authentic selves. Thanks for the poem, the reminder, the gentle nudge toward truth, Jeff.

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Wow. Very impressive.

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I'll never give up the fight

that's who I am

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“But oh, the thing that baffles me

Is why they do not roar;

For I’m quite sure that

Monsters are

More terrible in their gore.

More pitiless in strife by far

Than men have been before.”

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This hit hard today. Yesterday was my birthday and here I am “... half way through the journey of our life I found that I was in a gloomy wood..”

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Brilliant. 🙏

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The ghosts of my grievances past, the spirits of my unfinished selves, the apparitions of who I used to be, they cry out and call to me. Demanding to be reckoned with. They have found no peace, and they refuse to let me...

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Beautiful and indeed the true ghost lies within 👻 🤍

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I felt this after deconstructing from American Evangelicalism...I realized I had been walking around as a ghost of who I really was. I loved this Jeff!

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Nice work, Jeff! This human minotaur we subconsciously inhabit is definitely a haunting! Out beyond good and bad, wrong, and right there is a labyrinth. I’ll meet you in the centre. No masks required.

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