My wife and I are in the process of moving. We’re selling the big house with pool and casita for a smaller house. To downsize and simplify life a bit. And so, I’ve been boxing up our library, including “Real Artists Don’t Starve” and “The Art of Work.” I think somewhere in there is “The In-Between.” So, most definitely, you are a writer, Jeff. An author, actually. So, when the law suit ends and the stars align, I look forward to your next book.

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Thank you for getting a glimpse into your world, John, and thank you for taking a peek into mine.

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Well said John.

I´m sitting here, taking in Jeff´s writing, and hardly daring a reply and I read yours John. Thanks for it. Yes, the lawsuit will pass. The stars will align. The readers are gently awaiting.

Jeff, your work touches at the heart of what it is to be human. Elbow-shattered-clocks and peeing- dying-dogs may be the less glamourous side of loving, but loving in the hours that drain and deplete us, is living lovingly.

Jeff, I'm sorry for the experiences that are "carving more deeply into your lute", but your readers (both of your work and your life) will be blessed by the beauty that comes forth.

Take care.

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Stream of consciousness? I like it. (But I have to say, I felt the stress 😁)

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Good job capturing the flow of thoughts that we all experience and often don’t notice.

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thanks, seth!

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Wonderful, beautiful. I can smell that coffee and taste the desire- for coffee, for calm, for life, for writing. Thank you for sharing.

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My mom is an art docent and lecturer; recently she’s done a series of 45 min and 2-hour talks on Van Gogh. Fascinating. Dark. Brilliant.

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wow. online link?

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‘This just might be the problem with everything.’ I concur. Thank you, I feel normal now- or at least not ABnormal (and now I’m remembering Abby Normal, that Young Frankenstein reference)🤣 As a “fledgling” writer at 58 yrs. (fledgling is how I describe myself because I haven’t accomplished anything notable yet), I relate to your morning. To know others (NOT fledglings as yourself) also have this very similar internal salad going on in their brains, really helps me to accept and even appreciate mine. Thanks for sharing your morning salad, or maybe its a frittata. It’s comforting, reassuring and delicious all at once- Im encouraged to just keep going with what is in front of me today. ❤️

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Jessica S., you described me to a T. The brain meanderings never cease. I could SOO relate to Jeff’s “internal salad,” and love that you referred to it as such. It puts it all into perspective for me because I really like salad. 🙂

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LOL. Nicely done, Jessica. ;)

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Dear Jeff, You Will Notice More Clarity And Less Stress If You Learn A Proven, Dependable And Repeatable Method 2 Create/Write What Matters. Creatively Yours, Russell Warren Kukla MAGA.US

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LOL. Oh, my. I cannot tell if this is spam or not, and I love it.

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Yes - time moves too fast. Start your book and the world read your gift!

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Something’s up - you are the third writer today to mention Van Gogh. Huh. Thanks for this piece.

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well he's the best

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I am struck by the rhythm and return of it all. Writing (and life) has such a lovely flow, if we can just be patient enough to allow it to. Beautiful piece.

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thank you, beth

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