My god. How I needed to read this this morning.

I’m laying in bed in the dark, curled in a ball of my own existential writerly crisis (why am I doing this/does it even matter / how the ever loving fuck am I going to pay my rent / why can’t I just be one of those regular job people etc etc), doomscrolling on ig. And then I came here.

I can’t decide if your words make me want to release it all in a good cry or get up and write (maybe both) but what I remember after reading is that I’m not one of those regular job people. I’m a writer. And the write or die thing might be melodramatic nonsense to the rest of the world- but I know it as truth. So. Onward once again.

Thank you Jeff, for reminding me that words sent into the void always matter. Today yours landed in me in exactly the right place. And for that I am deeply grateful.

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You're welcome!

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This is such an excellent piece, Jeff. I have missed your voice. You are an excellent writer. In fact, every time I read something you write, I think, man, I wish I could write that well.

I'm glad you've found a platform and an audience your excited about. I may consider doing something similar. I still pine for the days when I started blogging. I was just writing for myself, to help clarify my thoughts. I was always surprised—and delighted—that anyone cared what I had to say. There’s something about the purity of that that still appeals to me.

I hope you’ll keep writing. I just subscribed and look forward to seeing where you’ll take us next.

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Michael, Thank you for the kind words, friendship, and support over the years. How you described those early days of blogging is something I still long for, as well. Maybe we can rediscover that wonder for words together...

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I thought the same thing, that I could write like Jeff. He just makes it look so easy. Conversational yet colorful.

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Very kind of you, Rex. Thank you.

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You were one of the first writers that I remember following. I don't think it's much of a stretch to say you were one of the first ones who nudged me down the road of writing. And while some days writing is like trying to draw rain from a cloudless sky - I'm still glad to be doing it. I'm sure glad you've picked it back up again!

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That's very kind, Jameson. Thank you!

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Goins

I have followed you for many years. Thanks for continuing to share your thoughts with us. I have always found the writing community to be very supportive of one another. We are your people. You are one of us.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Jeff Goins

Jeff- Perhaps the wisdom of Virginia Woolf will pair nicely with your reflections:

"Writing is like sex. First you do it for love, then you do it for your friends, and then you do it for money."

Here's to doing it for love.

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Haha. And then you do it again for love. ;)

Always appreciated your thoughts, insights, and art, John. Good to see you here. You're an inspiration to me in how you've never sold out and maintained your integrity.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Jeff Goins

Thanks, Jeff. I suspect there's a sweet spot, where integrity and commerce meet. Looking forward to your writing, insights, and wisdom here.

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Well said. I suspect that, too, but I'll be following your example. ;)

I'm equally interested in where creativity and transformation meet. Seems that art really does imitate life, and vice versa. We're due for a catch-up, methinks.

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Jeff Goins

Happy to catch up anytime.

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Yay! So glad you’re here! I appreciate you!!!

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Happy to be here!

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Jeff, we still want to hear what you have to say. I've been following you for about 10 years now.

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Thank you, Matthew!

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Jeff Goins

Jeff, I've followed you for a long time - you were a huge source of early inspiration to me when I started my first blog!

The world has changed so much since the early days of blogging, and, like you, I've become disillusioned at times. I've even had similar experiences... including a rough pandemic divorce. Growing and changing in the world of the Internet is such a strange experience.

We haven't forgotten about you, and the world needs you to keep writing! Welcome back :)

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It's good to be here, Krista, and good to be heard. Thank you.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Goins

Thank you Jeff for sharing about this platform. I'm curious if you know the difference between this one and Medium?

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Yeah. Medium doesn't give you direct access to your audience and the only way to monetize is by joining their paid program, which pays you per page view. It's not a terrible setup, but the real drag is you can't just email all your readers there. I have 100K readers on Medium that I can't directly contact. Also, this community feels a lot more vibrant, whereas Medium feels more like a ghost town to me.

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Thank you so much for explaining! I have a lot of social media followers but less than 800 email subscribers and the open rate is not great. I can still start on this platform?

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Goins

Thanks, Jeff. I've been following you since forever. It's so interesting to see your journey and that writers have to continually reinvent themselves. Way to go! I look forward to following you on Substack.

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Thank you, Diane!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Goins

Interesting that I saw this post at this time. I've always been an IT guy who also wrote. I lost yet another "safe" IT job last month. (The Monday before Thanksgiving, because why not pick that day to be unemployed.)

It caused some reflection. I've had some success in writing this year. (Two short stories published, an honorable mention for a novella in a major writing contest.)

I decided that 2023 needs to be the year I'm a writer first and. . .whatever else, second.

Your writing has always inspired me and none more than this post.

Thanks for your constant encouragement to your readers and followers. I'm happy to have been one for the past few years and happy to follow you here.

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Sorry to hear that, Rodney. However, I love that's it driven you to create. I can relate to that feeling of having nothing left to lose so I might as well speak the truth (whatever that might be for me). Best wishes on your journey in 2023!

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I think we all feel this need to create, to give birth to the cry within us, but we are trapped by who knows what. I am glad you are putting words to that angst and giving us hope when we are stuck. Thanks!

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I appreciate the comment, Garry. Hang in there.

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Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022Liked by Jeff Goins

Wow. Why are you always writing about my life??

Totally feeling this! I experienced the creative “death” a couple years ago as well. Although I’ve happily lived as a ghost for a while, I’ve started exploring what “re-inhabiting” my life/body could look like going forward.

I guess I’ll keep following you…again :-)

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Haha. Appreciate it. Love to meet a fellow phantasm.

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I, for one, am happy to be hearing from you again ! I would love to start sharing my thoughts here but I keep hearing that your substance needs to be very "niche" and what I want to write about has a lot of different avenues / directions ~ any thoughts on this ? xo

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Nah. This isn't niche. I'm just sharing my thoughts. Give it a whirl and see what happens. Just practice in public.

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thanks, Jeff ... that was my gut so I'll go with it ... love your "stuff" !!!

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That description of Substack as an Instagram for writers is perfect. That’s exactly what it is.

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I thought so, too. It's its own little insulated community or writers and people who appreciate writing. What a gift.

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Jeff, your words have a way of weaving through the unsayable until there is no longer that which cannot be said. That is when we finally let out the breath we didn't know we were holding. Thank you for you. Welcome back.

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Thank you, Melanie. Very kind of you to say.

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