You Are a Writer: So Start Acting Like One (Now Available in Paperback!)
Everybody has something they wish they were. A mom wishes she was more patient with her kids. The retired athlete wishes he was back in the game. The actor who never made it to Tinsel Town lives vicariously through movies. A lot of people, unfortunately,
Everybody has something they wish they were. The mom who wishes she was more patient with her kids. The retired athlete who wishes he was still in the game. The actor who never made it to Tinsel Town and lives vicariously through old films. We are all longing to become.

A lot of people wait around to be picked, to be affirmed in their callings. They hold out hope for someone to come along and tell them they are what they wished they were. When it came to thinking of myself as a writer, I was the same.
I wanted someone else it to acknowledge my gift so I didn't have to. But it wasn't until I started thinking like a writer that I could act like one. So I made a decision that changed everything. And I wrote a book about it.
About the book
In You Are a Writer, Jeff Goins provides the tools and insights you need to build your platform, develop an audience, and make meaningful connections. No writer should embark on his or her writing journey without reading this first! —Michael Hyatt // Author, Platform

This is a book about what it takes to be a writer in the 21st Century. In it, you will learn everything from how to get started with a writing career to ultimately getting your work published, and all the wonderful work in between.
Mostly, you will learn the importance of believing in your calling and showing up every day to do what you were made to do: write.
My friend Sarah Mae talked me into writing this book. She even gave me the title. I can't thank her enough for pushing me in this direction.
Christine Niles did an amazing job editing the content, Andrew Sale turned my feeble words into a design masterpiece, and Brandon Clements helped manage the self-publishing process to make sure I did it right.
In speaking to audiences of bloggers and writers, I've realized that aspiring authors need to acknowledge one truth: You are a writer; you just need to write. My friend Paul taught me that truth, and it has made all the difference.
This is not a grammar book. This is a book about the writing journey, about what it takes to turn pro and become a writer for real. It's full of inspiring stories as well as practical information on how to make your mark in this world, using the powerful tools of words.
What people are saying
Hundreds of people have reviewed this book. Here are some of my favorites:
Ashley Ormon asks, "How do you know if you're really a writer?"
KC Procter talks about the difference between dreamers and writers
Molly Nelson shares the relationship between desire and action
Jason Spencer talks about the one thing you need to become a writer
Get the book now!
You Are a Writer is currently available as an eBook and paperback on Amazon.
If you buy the paperback, you get the digital version for free. I will also be releasing an audiobook version as soon as it's ready (which you can get at a discount on Audible if you buy the paperback).
Check it out (it's currently on sale!).
Do you consider yourself a writer? Why or why not? Share in the comments.