Are You a Writer? Prove It.
Most people struggle with confidence about something. Maybe it's the way they look or how they communicate. It could even be about how much money they have — or don't have. Although some have validity, most of our insecurities are unfounded and ridiculo
Most people struggle with confidence about something. Maybe it's the way they look or how they communicate. It could even be about how much money they have — or don't have.
Although some have validity, most of our insecurities are unfounded and ridiculous. We just need to find a way move forward.
How I overcame self-doubt
It took a friend telling me I was a writer before I would believe it about myself. In fact, even after that I struggled. People had affirmed me my whole life. What really made a difference was when I began calling myself a writer.
It sounds crazy and can certainly be misapplied, but I know of no other way to get serious about your craft: Eventually, you just have to start believing it.
So are you a writer? Do you have something to say? A message to communicate? A voice worth hearing? Maybe it's time you declared it to the world.
Note:This was originally a video contest, but I just expanded it to include any kind of media you want to create. Only seemed fair (since so many writers are petrified of the video camera... myself included.)
For the next couple of weeks, I'm running a contest for anyone who wants to declare himself or herself a writer. The most original entry will win the following prizes:
All formats of my new eBook, You Are a Writer (if you already have these, you can gift them to a friend)
A new, not-yet-released audio series on writing and getting published
A $100 Amazon gift card
Contest ends May 20th. You have to create a video or blog post or something and post it online in order to enter. For rules and details, see this page: You Are a Writer Contest
Here's a slightly out-of-focus, stubbly, late-night version of me (pardon my voice crack), telling you more about it (if you can't see the video, click here):
Yep. It's gonna be pretty awesome. I can't wait to see what crazy, fun ideas you come up with. Oh, and just a small note: You don't have to read the eBook to enter, but it certainly doesn't hurt. You can pick up a copy for $5 here.
Have you ever had to declare something about yourself before you would fully believe it? You can share in the comments or just get started with your entry!