The State of Publishing & Other Sundry Updates
Last Week's Webinar Replay, New Coaching Program, and More
Hi there. I’m writing this update after a relatively restful weekend. My wife and I picked up a new record for our vintage hifi system (probably our favorite addition to this new house), and Carole King’s Tapestry has been on repeat since Saturday. She’s currently playing in the background right now, and it’s hard to feel stressed when she’s singing.

Anyway, this will be a quick update, as I’ve been intentional about not drowning you in emails lately. Still, I’ve got lots to share and am champing at the bit (did you know this the correct usage of that idiom, not “chomping”?—alas, I digress).
First up, we are at 93 paid subscribers. That’s amazing. Thank you! I will be raising the monthly and yearly rate by 50% in the next week and sharing what’s to come for all subscribers. We are just getting started, and it’s fun to see this come together.
I am enjoying this project and grateful for the community forming around it. If you want to invest in the future of the newsletter, you can update your subscription below.
Speaking of community, I am working with one of our readers on a logo and brand for The Ghost (thank you to all who reached out to offer your design services). That will be coming shortly, and I can’t wait to share it with you.
On with the updates…
Last week, Ariel Curry and I hosted a live webinar on the state of publishing and what it takes to get a book deal in 2023. She shared some fascinating and interesting insights on the current state of publishing—including hard data on what kind of books are actually getting acquired. You can watch the replay at the link below, in case you missed it (this is currently on Dropbox, but I’ll be moving it to Youtube shortly): Live Coaching Call on the State of Publishing.
On that call, we opened enrollment for “Your Bestselling Book Proposal,” a 90-day coaching program for writers wanting to plan and sell their books to a publisher in 2023. We only have eight spots left for this program, so be sure to grab yours before it’s too late (we only do this sort of thing once or twice a year, and it’s a deep discount compared to what our clients pay for this same level of service—albeit, the coaching group is obviously a group, not an individualized service). For more information on that, check out this page on our website. If you have any questions about this, feel free to shoot me an email.
Lastly, my good friend and client Chris Ducker is running a 99-cent promo for his book, Rise of the Youpreneur, this week. This offer is available in the US, UK, and other select markets. You can learn more about it here. This is a great book for anyone wanting to build a personal brand and turn it into a part-time or full-time business. There’s a lot of people sharing a lot of conflicting advice on what works in the world of entrepreneurship, and Chris is one of the few I trust and respect. If you don’t have his book yet, I recommend picking it up, as it was written by a very good friend of mine (who has excellent taste in music) and edited by my wife (who has excellent taste in husbands).
Free writing webinar this week
Last but not least: I’m teaching a live webinar again this week with Ariel Curry on how to start and finish your book this year. I’ll be sharing my personal system for writing a book and how to set achievable writing goals that allow you to finish the first draft of your book in 90 days. It’s happening this Thursday at 11:30 a.m. Central. Just like last time, we’ll answer any questions you have live and share the recording afterwards.
Sign up for the free writing webinar by clicking here.
That’s all I got for now. Hopefully, you appreciated the summarized run-down of all that’s new in the world of Goins ghosty-ness. It’s better than a million emails, methinks. Don’t be shy about letting me know what’s going on in your world, and be sure send me ideas for upcoming newsletter issues you’d like to see. I’m all ears—er, I mean eyes.
Summaries are good. I'm too often the TL;DR guy, especially in the morning. Thanks for getting to the point without being too pointed.
Love that album. How wonderful if you are playing it on vinyl