083: How to Build Better Reading Habits and Finish a Book Every Day [Podcast]
If “leaders are readers” holds true, you’d be four steps ahead of the pack if you read just one book each month. Imagine what your life would look like if you read one book every day. Reading a book a day sounds crazy, but not only is it possible, i
The average adult reads less than one book a year. If “leaders are readers” holds true, you’d be four steps ahead if you read just one book each month. Imagine what your life would look like if you read one book every day.

Reading a book a day sounds crazy, but not only is it possible, it’s one of my personal goals. Right now, I’m trending at 3–4 books a week. And that’s on top of running a business and having a life outside of work.
How can someone read a book a day without neglecting their work or family? The secret lies in broadening your definition of “read” and embracing multiple formats.
This week on The Portfolio Life, Andy and I talk about how we can get more out of the books we read while reading more books in the process. Listen in as we discuss the hidden power of books and why you should consider them an wise investment instead of an expense.
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Maximize reading in the margins
Reading a book every day seems ridiculous at first. How are you supposed to get anything else done? The trick is to take advantage of the margins.
While reading a given book, I typically use multiple formats. I check it out from the library, listen to it on Audible, and grab the Kindle version. If the book is really good, I end up buying the hardcover.
Having a book available in multiple formats allows you to take advantage of more reading opportunities. Here are just a few examples:
Driving to work
Standing in line for coffee
Walking the dog
Lying in bed before falling asleep
Washing the dishes
In fact, every time you open Facebook or browse Netflix because you’re bored or need a distraction, is an opportunity to read.
Speaking of passive entertainment, did you know the average monthly cable bill is $125? That’s $1,500 a year. We rarely think twice about that much money leaving our bank account, and yet we balk at the idea of spending $20 on a book.
Stop and consider the ROI of one book vs binge watching another season of your favorite show. Which one delivers a bigger bang for your hard-earned buck?
Maybe reading one book every day isn’t realistic for you. Start small and recapture a few moments each day for reading. You'll be amazed at what is out there to discover.
Show highlights
In this episode, we discuss:
The wrong way to read a book
Why quantity is a path to quality
An unspoken reading rule you need to ignore
Which formats to explore reading
When to read fiction vs. non-fiction
The role of fiction in the life of all creatives entrepreneurs
Understanding the importance of storytelling
What you can learn about good (and bad) writing
There’s no cheaper education than a book.
Books are a fountain of ideas and stories for writers.
Stories stand the test of time. Stories supersede everything else.
Stop thinking of fiction and non-fiction as opposing ideas, and instead consider what it takes to be a great writer.
The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman
Audible (30-day free trial)
What are your reading habits? How do you get the most out of what you read? What is your fiction to non-fiction reading mix? Share in the comments