3 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Find Your Calling
I recently launched The Art of Work Course, which teaches you everything you need to know to go from dream to launch with your calling. But before we get to that, I want to ask you a few questions. These are important but uncomfortable questions.
I recently launched The Art of Work Course, which teaches you everything you need to know to go from dream to launch with your calling. But before we get to that, I want to ask you a few questions.

Photo Credit: pakmingc via Compfight cc
These questions might make you uncomfortable, and that’s okay. In fact, answering them may make you a little defensive, but they'll help you get to where you want to go with your dream.
These questions are important, so read carefully. Take a deep breath, and be honest with yourself. Ready? Let’s go.
Question 1: How much longer can you stand to not do what you're meant to do?
Seriously, how long can you stand it, not living out your dream? This was one of the reasons I did the 48-hour passion challenge. I wanted to demonstrate that waiting for the right moment to pursue your dream means you will be waiting for a long time -- probably forever.
If you’ve put it off for so long, you might have noticed that it’s stopped bothering you as much. This is the most dangerous place to be in life, in my opinion, because you risk getting complacent and settling for mediocrity. And that's not where you want to be.
Question 2: Why haven't you found your calling?
I realize this may not apply to everyone, but in my experience it applies to most. Most people haven't found their calling. They might know what it is, but they're certainly not living out their purpose.
It's not a rhetorical question. Really take the time to ask yourself “why haven't I done this yet?” There are a few possible reasons:
1. Lack of self confidence?
Perhaps you’ve bought into the myth that only the elite people in the world get to do what they're meant to do. Maybe, like me, you want to be a writer but sincerely don't think that's possible.
So here’s a myth buster for you: Writers write. That’s it. That’s what makes you a writer. If you get nothing else out of this post, do this. Stand up right now and declare you are writer or an artist or whatever it is you want to be.
Then, do it. Write something, Launch something. In the inimitable words of Andy Dufresnee: "Get busy living, or get busy doing something."
2. Fear?
We all are afraid of something. Maybe it's failure or rejection or something we don't even quite know. All we know is we are afraid. But here's the thing: bravery isn't about feeling brave and then acting; it's about doing things afraid.
And don't forget: you don't have to do this alone. As my friend Jon Acuff says: “Fear fears community.” When you are connected with the right people, people who share the same journey as you, fear becomes not so scary.
Every story of success is a story of community.
3. Lack of time?
Maybe you think you need all day to be what you're meant to be: a writer, an artist, an entrepreneur. Maybe you think it’s impossible to write books, or speak for a living, or make money doing what you love.
But it's not. The truth is this is more a process of building bridges than it is about taking giant leaps. Small steps over time create the momentum you need to go pro with your dream.
I’ve done it. And I can show you how. Whether it’s lack of self-confidence, fear, or lack of time holding you back, The Art of Work Course will show you how to pursue your calling and start living it.
Question 3: Do you have a plan for your passion?
I don’t love analogies. But here’s one that works: Think of a plan as a GPS system for discovering your calling. Yes, you could drive around in circles, make all the wrong turns, and end up lost in a creepy small town. Or you could use a GPS.
A GPS saves you time, energy, and heartache (and maybe some strange stares from the locals). That's what The Art of Work Course is intended to be.
When it comes to chasing your dream, I’ve made just about every mistake you can make. I've gone down all the wrong paths, burnt unnecessary bridges, and felt completely lost. But here's the good news: with me as your guide, you don’t have to do that.
If you don’t have a process for pursuing your calling or if your plans in the past have failed, here's my encouragement: find a way to get started.
You and I both know you won’t end up where you want by accident. Doing what you’re meant to do and becoming a writer doesn’t “just happen.” You'll have to be intentional. You'll need to follow a proven path.
I can show you that path.
I want you to do what you're meant to do: to stop waiting for lucky breaks and start making things happen. I believer you deserve to become the person you were meant to be; in fact, I think you owe to the world -- and to yourself. And I would love to help you in that process.
If that means joining my course, great. But if not, please do something. Don't wait for perfect. Just get started.
The Art of Work Course
If you're interesting in taking the next step in pursuing your calling, you should check out The Art of Work Course, which is only available a few times a year.

If you sign up for this course and complete the material, you will:
live with more passion, purpose, and fulfillment;
find greater joy in your everyday work and learn how to use your current situation to get where you want to be;
finally earn the attention your work deserves;
and start reaching who need what you have to offer.
I know this, because I've coached thousands of people in this process. I’ve done it myself and helped many others. The question is: do you really want it for yourself? You're going to have to take action.
If you are ready to take the next step and join me and others pursuing their calling (as writers, artists, and entrepreneurs), watch the video below to learn more about The Art of Work Course.
Don't forget: There’s a 30-day money back guarantee, so you take no risk in jumping in. If this isn't everything I promise, I'll give you a full refund. Click the link below to learn more.
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Have you found your calling yet? Why not? Share in the comments.