040: Pursuing Your Passion Through Podcasting [Podcast]
We all have our passion and wish we could do them full-time. Luckily, that reality is closer than we could ever dream.
We all have dreams. Those things that make us come alive. The things we wish we could do for a living and still afford to eat.
![040: Pursuing Your Passion Through Podcasting [Podcast] 040: Pursuing Your Passion Through Podcasting [Podcast]](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F65987b3f-70aa-4ad4-9e11-68e1e1ec95c5_1260x700.png)
For me, it’s writing. For my friend Cliff Ravenscraft, it’s podcasting. For you, it may be something else.
On this week’s episode of The Portfolio Life, Cliff Ravenscraft shares how he made the leap from being a successful insurance agent to podcasting full-time.
For him -- like for many others -- it was not an easy transition. He, his wife, and their three children lived off of food stamps for a few months. They broke down in tears every month. Yet, still they claim the transition was worth it.
Listen to the podcast
To listen to the show, click the player below (if viewing this in email, click here) [powerpress]
You can also listen at iTunes or on Stitcher.
Tips from the podcast answer man
These days having a blog is like being a needle in a haystack. But having a podcast is more like a needle in a mini wheat (as Cliff says).
Hearing him explain this at the Platform Conference is what convinced me to start a podcast myself. I’ve found it to be a great way to extend the reach of my message, and I’m sure you will too.
According to Cliff, setting up a podcast is easier than most people believe. If you've ever wanted to start a podcast, here's how:
Find a way to capture your voice. Even the Voice Memos free app on a iPhone provides decent audio quality
Set up an RSS feed. This is a one-time step.
Submit your podcast to podcast directories like iTunes and Stitcher.
That's it! You're ready to start broadcasting. If you dream of doing what you love and getting to call it your work, listen to Cliff’s thoughts on how to make that leap in our most recent episode.
Resources mentioned in the show
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What is preventing you from living out your dream full-time? Share in the comments.