037: Look at Me: Getting Your Work the Attention it Deserves [Podcast]
In this day of smart phones and social media, we are constantly being bombarded with distractions. The amount of things begging for our attention is endless. So how do you focus enough to do work that matters?
In this day of smart phones and social media, we are constantly being bombarded with distractions. The amount of things begging for our attention is endless. So how do you focus enough to do work that matters?
![037: Look at Me: Getting Your Work the Attention it Deserves [Podcast] 037: Look at Me: Getting Your Work the Attention it Deserves [Podcast]](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Ffd28a5dc-6eb3-4695-bca6-8182b6b1ca18_1260x700.png)
Everyone wants to be noticed. We all want people to recognize what we're doing and acknowledge our innate value. That recognition can help you feel like you're contributing something worthwhile. And you know what? It's not bad to want attention, but you've got to be willing to do the work to get it.
Because the truth is someone already is noticing you. It's up to you and me to make the most of the attention we already have. You may not have thousands of followers, but you do have someone who is listening right now. And that's where the real life change happens, anyway.
Making a difference isn't about being popular. It's about doing the kind of work that connects with people.
In this episode of The Portfolio Life, my co-host Andy Traub and I talk about how to break through the noise of the world and get your work the attention it deserves.
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Show highlights
In this episode we discuss:
Personal life stories that prove valuable lessons
Different ways people can grow their platform
Long-form blogging and micro blogging -- Which one should you use?
Why we should focus on getting really good at something instead of pursuing passion
Making the most of the attention you already have
Resources mentioned in the show
Is Micro Blogging Better? by Larry Alton
Why John Oliver's #longwatch Videos Keep Going Viral article at Yahoo Tech
StrenghtsFinder 2.o by Tom Rath (affiliate link)
So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport (affiliate link)
You can also sign up for an Audible membership (my preferred way to listen to audiobooks and how I am able to read several books each month) and get your first book for free (also an affiliate link).
I hope you enjoyed this week's episode. If you know someone who would benefit from it, feel free to download and share it. Since iTunes only cares about comparison, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a review on iTunes.
How do you get attention in the midst of all the noise? Share in the comments.