The Story I Didn't Tell about My Free Book Offer
You may have heard me mention I have a new book coming out. And you probably heard I'm giving that book away for a limited time. But I left something out. I've never been happy with the way my previous books have sold, so I wanted to do something big this
Note: This offer is now over. You can order the book at your favorite bookseller and get exclusive bonuses at the book site. Find out more here.
You may have heard me mention I have a new book coming out. And you probably heard I'm giving that book away for a limited time. But I left something out.

I've never been happy with the way my previous books have sold, so I wanted to do something big this time. It was important for me to do everything I could to get the book into as many people's hands as possible.
That's where the free book offer came from. I believe this book has the potential to change lives, and this was an experiment to see how far a message could spread.
As a result, thousands pre-ordered the book, already outselling my previous book. It seriously exceeded my expectations.
What the book is about
This is a book that will help you answer the question, “What should I do with my life?” It’s something I struggled with for years before finally discovering what I was meant to do. But once I understood the process, everything became more clear.
Most people will say you just need a plan, but I think we need more than that. On the quest towards meaningful work, we need a proven path. We need to walk in the footsteps of those who have come before us and left a legacy worth remembering.
The Art of Work is that path.
In the book, I share seven stages of finding your calling, each helping you make the most of your situation, understand where you are in the process, and know how to take the next step.
What people are saying
Early readers have told me how this path has already helped them. Here’s what they’re saying:
“Jeff’s writing has forever changed my outlook on chasing my dreams.” —Jennifer
“I didn’t want [the book] to end.” —Bryan
“If you’re feeling stuck in life, read this.” —Brandi
“Jeff’s encouragement to ‘just take the next step’ is a roadmap that will have you going from overwhelmed to accomplished.” —Kimi
I had one friend tell me he ordered the book and said, "It better deliver, Goins." So far, people seem to be telling me it is.
How to get the book
Order The Art of Work today, and you'll get a copy of the book, plus $250 in bonuses, including a four-part video course, downloadable workbook, and access to an exclusive community.
And to all those who have already supported this crazy experiment by ordering a book, thank you. You're welcome to grab another one for a friend, if you'd like. Regardless, I'm grateful.
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(Already ordered the book? Would love your help in getting the word out. Click here to donate a tweet or Facebook share to spread the news.)
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