038: Tips for Making a Good Decision: Interview with Jeff Shinabarger [Podcast]
Part of being a creative person is dealing with all of the opportunities that come your way. Some invitations seem good while others are great. The challenge comes in learning to differentiate between the two.
Part of being a creative person is dealing with all of the opportunities that come your way. Some invitations seem good while others are great.
![038: Tips for Making a Good Decision: Interview with Jeff Shinabarger [Podcast] 038: Tips for Making a Good Decision: Interview with Jeff Shinabarger [Podcast]](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F190abec9-b8b7-408d-9e4f-c99a99fc1cb6_1260x700.png)
The challenge comes in learning to differentiate between the two. How do you learn to say no to the decent opportunities so that you can say yes to the best opportunities? In this episode of the Portfolio Life, Jeff Shinabarger walks us through his process of making decisions and teaches us his two steps to making better decisions.
Listen to the podcast
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Interview highlights
It is the intersection of the moments of tension and the moments of transition that change lives
The best way to make decisions is to identify all of your options and invite those you trust into the process
What is the most important decision you can make today to promote your personal life or move your business forward in some way?
About my guest
Jeff Shinabarger refers to himself as just some guy in East Atlanta Village who’s trying to be a good husband and a good dad. Yet in that process he’s introducing social entrepreneurship and changing his entire community. Jeff (who’s got a great name) likes to solve problems. He notices things that are broken and feels a responsibility to fix them. This passion is allowing him be the change he wants to see by being involved in community and learning to love his neighbors--even the neighbors who didn’t have homes. He wakes up every morning and asks himself: What is the most important decision I can make today to promote my personal life or move my business or this vision forward in some way? If this episode was helpful to you, feel free to share it. We would appreciate your decision to leave a review on iTunes as well. [specialbox]My book, You Are A Writer, is available as an audiobook. You can get it free when you sign up for a free trial of Audible.[/specialbox] What is one step you can do today to move your project forward? Share in the comments.