054: How to Find Your Work That Matters: Farnoosh Brock Interview [Podcast]
A sense of significance is the longing at the core of every heart. You want your work to matter. To do things you love with people you care about. Essentially to live a prolific life. Don’t ignore the calling inside making you think there may be more to
We all want to feel significant, like our work really matters. We want to do things we love with people we care about. Essentially, we want to live a prolific life.

But what does it take to live such a life? Do you really have a choice where you live and work and who you spend time with? How can you practically pursue your calling with the limited time and resources you have?
The answers are simple, but not easy.
In today’s episode of The Portfolio Life, Farnoosh Brock and I wrestle with these questions and talk about the meaning of a holistic life, how an awakening experience pushed her off the edge into entrepreneurship, and the risky decision most of us make daily.
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Key mindset shifts of prolific living
Any substantial change requires a change in mindset. We must shift how we think about our work. Adapting what we believe about ourselves equips us to realize what we hope to achieve.
Mindset shifts begin with giving yourself permission to explore and fail. Overnight successes do not exist. Once you've discovered your calling, the next step is to define the gap between your current state and your calling. What skills and resources do you need to bridge the gap?
What I find compelling about Farnoosh’s story is how she dabbled in blogging on the side, yet never considered it more than a hobby. After attending a conference where online writing icons from ProBlogger and Copyblogger made an appearance, Farnoosh was left with a nagging sense of envy.
This envy and the question “If they can do it, why not me?” pushed her to consider transforming a blogging hobby into a business. Farnoosh recognized she was disenchanted with a corporate life that stood in stark contrast to the prolific life she desired. She took a leap and never looked back.
Self-awareness and listening to your calling can lead to places you never imagined.
Show highlights
In this episode, Farnoosh and I discuss:
What it means to live as a holistic person
Abundance as an attribute of prolific living.
The sad result of a relentless pursuit of money and success
The dangers of ignoring the path made for you
The power of envy to motivate us in the right direction
How risk has shifted and the most dangerous thing you can do
Making iterative moves to pursue prolific projects on the side
Encountering an identity crisis after sacrificing corporate success and security
Why a prolific approach leads to increased breakthroughs and frequent growth spurts
What it takes to push through periods of plateau
Essential mindset shifts to pave the way for a prolific life
“We decide what we can achieve and what is out of reach.”
“Give yourself permission to experiment.”
“It’s possible to make a business out of anything.”
“Push through the plateau to pursue a prolific life.”
"Don’t call your product your 'baby.' You need a healthy level of detachment.”
“Keep pushing and pursuing until something works.”
“We can be too smart for our own good. We over-complicate a simple process.”
“No one wants perfection. They just want it to work and have it help them.”
Books by Farnoosh:
Farnoosh’s Links:
Blog: Prolific Living
Positive Affirmations: You Are Enough. Start Believing It.
Digital Mentors:
Darren Rowse of ProBlogger
Sonia Simone of Copyblogger
Brian Clark of Copyblogger
What is standing between you and your calling? What part of your life will look more prolific as a result of what you learned? Share in the comments.