Early Bird Special on My New Course Ends Today
Today is an important day. The early bird special for my new course goes away at midnight. Don't miss it! This could be a day you look back on and say, “That was the day I made a commitment to pursue my calling. That was the day I stopped dreaming about
Today is an important day. The early bird special for my new course goes away at midnight. Don't miss it!

Photo Credit: cgc76 via Compfight cc
This could be a day you look back on and say, “That was the day I made a commitment to pursue my calling. That was the day I stopped dreaming about it and actually started doing it. That was the day I took action.”
You can look back on today, this very day, and say all of those things. Or you can look back on this day and say, "Man, I missed it."
The difference between successful and unsuccessful people
Here’s what I believe. I believe you have a stirring inside of you. Right now, it's calling you, urging you to step away from what others expect of you to become your true self.
And let's be honest. You've felt this for a while now. You just didn't know what to do about it.
Or maybe, you were afraid. Afraid to risk and fail. Afraid to try and get rejected. But I believe that what separates successful people from everyone else is they take action while others wait for the perfect moment.
[ctt title="What separates successful people from everyone else is they take action when others wait for the perfect moment." tweet=“What separates successful people from everyone else is they take action when others wait.” @JeffGoins https://ctt.ec/VYv8d+" coverup="VYv8d"]
So, it’s time to act. Which is why today is such an important day. You have a chance to take advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity (and I really mean that) -- to become a pioneer member of The Art of Work Course.
This is a course I created for those who feel called to take their dream and go pro with it. People like you.
Maybe your problem is you don’t know how to get started. This will help.
Maybe you’re still unsure if being a writer is truly your calling. This will guide you.
Maybe you know your calling but building the platform and growing your audience seems impossible. This will show you how… every step of the way.
In The Art of Work Course, you’ll learn:
How to pursue your calling practically, using every opportunity currently available to you.
What it takes to get people onboard with your dream and the secret to getting influencers and mentors to invest in you.
How to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be so that can finally go pro with your dream.
What to do with failure and how to use it to your advantage.
There is something in this course for every step of the journey to help take your dream and finally go pro.
Why is today the day?
Because today is the last day for early bird pricing for The Art of Work Course, which is available in two different tracks -- one for writers and one for non-writers. This is the lowest price it'll ever be.
I'm also bundling this course with some exclusive resources you can't get anywhere else right now (including access to my premium writing and blogging courses). Sold separately, these products are worth more than twice what I'm charging for them.
Whatever your dream is, The Art of Work Course will help you get closer, providing a proven path to help you overcome obstacles and start taking action today. And now is the best time to get it.
Why pay more for the same thing? Act today and you can take advantage of the lowest price ever:
Learn More about The Art of Work Course
Learn More about The Art of Work Writers Track
Make sure to register before April 30 at 11:59pm PT to get the early bird pricing. After that, the price will go up.
[button link="https://artofworkbook.com/calling-track/" text="Join The Art of Work Course Today!"]