The Declaration Every Great Writer Makes
The journey of every writer begins with a declaration. If you have written, then you are already a writer. Now you just need to keep writing. To overcome the demons of insecurity and create. The world is waiting for you to do this; it is in desperate need

This is Day 1 in the Great Writers Series.
The journey of every writer begins with a declaration. If you have written, then you are already a writer. Now you just need to keep writing. To overcome the demons of insecurity and create.
The world is waiting for you to do this; it is in desperate need of your gift. So what are you waiting for? Start sharing it.
Unless, of course, you are like most of us and you're afraid. You're hesitant for some reason or another. Maybe someone told you you weren't good enough or that you didn't have what it takes. Maybe you've told yourself those things.
Do you know how you work your way out of such places? Of course you do. You already hold the key to escape from your own dungeon. You just need to use it.
You have to call yourself a writer. Maybe you've already done this in some way (since I encourage everyone who reads the book to do it).
But the truth is there's always another level to aspire to. Always another mountain to climb — and with it another set of obstacles to overcome.
The challenge
So here's what I want you to do today: Declare you're a writer.
Not just to your wall or computer or notebook, but to an actual person or institution. Someone or something you're scared of — this could be a person who might reject or judge you, a family member who may misunderstand you, or a publisher who could discredit you. But tell them and tell them now.
Do it with pride and boldness. Write about it, tweet it about, record a video if you want. The more outrageous it is, the more likely you are to believe. This is what we're trying to do here: convince ourselves that we have the right to pick up the pen.
Then tell the group about it here. The best stories (I'll pick three) will win a free audio program about writing and platform-building I recently put together.
Update: We've chosen the winners, but you can still buy the audio content (which is currently on-sale). And if you want to join the series, you can do so here. It's not too late.
What did your declaration sound like? Share in the comments.