Announcing the You Are a Writer Contest Winner!
Well, I told you to get creative and crazy, and you did just that. Thanks to everyone who contributed a confession to the You Are a Writer Contest. There were songs and costume changes, acronyms and poems, artwork and photographs — and more! After revie
Well, I told you to get creative and crazy, and you did just that. Thanks to everyone who contributed a confession to the You Are a Writer Contest. There were songs and costume changes, acronyms and poems, artwork and photographs — and more!

After reviewing over 130 entries, my eyeballs hate me, but I'm confident in the winner we're about to announce. But before we do that, here's a word from our sponsor.
This contest is brought to you by...
You Are a Writer is a book about making an important declaration. Writers write. So if you're writing, then you're a writer — whether you realize it or not. And if you've yet to declare this, your greatest work is still ahead of you.
If you haven't picked up a copy of my latest eBook yet, you can do so here. I'm offering the book in three basic packages, the smallest of which is only $5. Also, check out the Platinum Package that released this week — it's available for $19.99 for a limited time!
It was so hard to pick a single winner (but I promised you one, so a winner you will have!). I had to narrow it down to a few final contestants and ask my wife to help me pick out the final winner.
Since there really were some great ones, I decided to give two people the "runner up" prize (which I just made up): a free version of the Platinum Package of You Are a Writer, which includes all eBook formats of the book, a writing worksheet (with six nifty exercises), and the brand-new, four-part audio series featuring yours truly.
Runner-up #1: Funniest entry
I chose this video, "The Places Where I Write My Book" by Ross Gale, because it made me laugh out loud more than any other entry. I can't wait to read this book that's been written in so many interesting places. It was a great video and well worth the "Funniest" award.
Runner-up #2: Craziest entry
"I Am a Writer!" by Molly A. Nelson was straight-up crazy. Props to Molly for committing to getting into full Spartan garb and using my book as a movie script (also great job on the melodramatic close-ups). Gerard would be proud.
And the winner is...
Only one could win, and although it was hard, I think Dustin Smith's "Now I'm a Writer" was a clear winner.
The reason I chose this entry was because it was done with excellence, offered an inspiring declaration, and was incredibly creative (I mean, he used his own music, folks!). He'll get everything the other winners got, plus a $100 Amazon gift card.
Everybody wish Dustin well in the comments, and check out his blog. Here's his winning video (click here if you can't see it in your email or RSS reader):
Honorable mentions
There were a lot of other great declarations (you can see all of them here). Here are a few worth mentioning:
Thanks to everyone who entered! For those of you didn't win, I hope you'll still consider picking up a copy of You Are a Writer and/or sharing it with friends.
What entry was your favorite? Share in the comments.
*Photo credit: Kheel Center (Creative Commons)