061: 3 Myths We Believe About Finding a Calling [Podcast]
I believe everyone has a calling. But the way you find that calling just might surprise you. This week on The Portfolio Life, Andy and I talk about the myths we believe about finding your calling. Listen in as we debunk those lies we tend to believe, so t
I believe everyone has a calling. But the way you find that calling just might surprise you.

This week on The Portfolio Life, Andy and I talk about the myths we believe about finding your calling. Listen in as we debunk those lies we tend to believe, so that maybe you, too, can take another step closer to your purpose.
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Show highlights
In this episode, Andy and I discuss:
Who stands behind every successful man or woman
How affirmation affects our journey to discovering a calling
The dangers of thinking about calling from a tactical perspective
Why making a living and making a life are different
What we miss by focusing on ourselves
An opportunity that is always available
Quotes and Takeaways
Family is not an obstacle to a calling.
A calling is not a job, but a life you live.
Once you find your calling, the journey is just beginning.
You’re not done learning until you’re dead.
Art of Work: A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant to Do by Jeff Goins
48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller
What is your calling? What have you learned from the journey so far? Share in the comments