084: Give Your Way to Stratospheric Success Without Going Broke: Interview with Bob Burg [Podcast]
One of the great advantages of technology is anyone with something to say can broadcast it to the world. The disadvantage is that it’s more difficult to stand out. In the digital age, information is a commodity. With over 400 hours of video uploaded to
One of the great advantages of technology is anyone with something to say can broadcast it to the world. The disadvantage is that it’s more difficult than ever to stand out.

In the digital age, information is a commodity. With 400+ hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute and over 260 million blogs in the world, how can creatives and entrepreneurs generate content that rises above the noise?
The answer is relatively simple, but by no means easy. Bob Burg figured it out and sold half a million books sharing a parable to explain the concept.
This week on The Portfolio Life, Bob Burg and I talk about how giving isn’t just a good way to live your life, it’s a great way to advance your career.
Listen in as we discuss why giving is a strategic advantage in a free market economy, and how you can get top influencers to spread your message without using slimy tactics.
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Two sides of the same coin
The idea of selling something you make intimidates some people. There’s a tendency to undervalue the product or service you provide, or to think charging for your work cheapens the experience. The opposite is much closer to the truth.
Not long ago, our friend Lisa refinished our kitchen table. She invested long hours of hard work, and applied her skill to transform a worn out piece of furniture into a masterpiece. But Lisa didn’t want to charge us. She delivered great value (a beautiful table), yet she wasn’t willing to receive value (money) in return.
I made the same mistake when I started this blog. Even after writing dozens of posts and free ebooks, I was afraid to make money from it. Meanwhile, my wife was pregnant and we needed more than a few dollars for diapers.
Then people started sending emails asking how they could pay for the content I was creating. Readers were getting so much value they insisted on a means to reciprocate. Much like my wife and I insisted Lisa quote us a fair price.
Delivering value without providing your audience the opportunity to compensate you for it is a disservice. It’s like the friend who keeps buying you lunch every week and refuses to let you return the favor. The situation is awkward and no one wins.
Don’t sabotage yourself against receiving value in turn for the value you give to others. Focus on the giving value and allow yourself to receive it, too.
Show highlights
In this episode, Bob and I discuss:
What does it mean to be a Go-Giver?
The 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success
How to shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance
Demystifying the relationship between giving and success
The number one reason people will not buy from you
Overcoming the internal fear of giving
Why focusing on the competition cripples your potential
Redefining selling as giving value to your customers
How to get the world to become a benevolent context for your success
Quotes and Takeaways
”Value is in the eyes of the beholder.” —Bob Burg
”When information is a commodity it is paramount to establish yourself as a provider of value.” —Bob Burg
”Give more in value than you get in payment.” —Bob Burg
”When you provide value you earn the right to receive value.” —Bob Burg
Give audaciously!
Let people show appreciation for the value you create.
The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann
Are you a Go-Giver? How have you benefited professionally from being a giver? Share in the comments