The Job of an Artist (& How I Use Pinterest)
I just pinned this quote by yours truly on Pinterest. It was inspired by a recent newsletter I sent to my list. (By the way, if you're not on my newsletter list, you should be — it's free. Sign up here.) If you're not familiar with Pinterest, it's a soc
I just pinned this quote by yours truly on Pinterest. It was inspired by a recent newsletter I sent to my list. (By the way, if you're not on my newsletter list, you should be — it's free. Sign up here.) Here's the pin (click the image to share):

Source: via Jeff on Pinterest
More about Pinterest
If you're not on Pinterest, you're probably a man. —Alli Worthington
If you're not familiar with Pinterest, it's a social network where people (mostly women) share ideas, art, and other content through images arranged on various "boards." These boards are arranged however you like, but then categorized under a handful of major categories, including photography, food, and so on. I've started using Pinterest to curate memorable quotes for my writing and speaking. It's also great for finding recipes, cool photos, and other creative work. If you're not on it (and want to be), leave your email in the comments below, and I'll send you an invite. It's fun.
Share this quote
Since I was finding so many interesting quotes on Pinterest, I thought I'd contribute my own. Here it is:
The job of an artist is to offer a sanctuary of beauty to an ugly world.
Feel free to share this quote on Facebook, Twitter, or wherever (click the links to share). And if you're on Pinterest, you can repin it here.